tex mex

Zucchini & Grilled Chicken Quesadillas


I love quesadillas but always find my homemade attempts have led to inconsistent filling and structural issues (read: the filling falls out when I flip them). Inspired by Smitten Kitchenโ€™s method, this veggie filling has the cheese folded in, which allows it all to stick together and create more even quesadillas. The cooked down zucchini makes these taste almost cheesier than they are because it takes on a jammy texture. Super filling with all that veg, but you would hardly know itโ€™s there!

Zucchini & Grilled Chicken Quesadillas

Makes 4 quesadillas, This recipe is inspired by Smitten Kitchenโ€™s Zucchini Quesadillas


Chicken marinade:

  • 2 chicken breasts

  • 1/2 tsp ancho chilli powder (or any chilli powder)

  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin

  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt

  • 1.5 tbsp olive oil

Let the chicken marinate for 30 mins at room temp (or in the fridge for 30 mins - 4 hours). Grill on bbq until internal temp reaches 165F.

Quesadilla filling:

  • 1/2 white onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 red pepper, thinly sliced

  • 2 medium zucchini, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced

  • 1 clove garlic minced

  • 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup shredded cheese (cheddar or havarti would work)

  • Olive oil

  • Salt n pepper

Sautรฉe onions with olive oil over medium heat until soft. Add in garlic and red pepper, continue to cook until peppers are softened. Add in zucchini and 1/2 tsp kosher salt. Continue to cook 5-7 minutes over medium until zucchini is translucent and jammy. Remove from heat and fold in shredded cheese. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.

To assemble, scoop 1/4 of veggie/cheese mixture onto flour tortilla (I used whole wheat!). Add sliced chicken. Top with another flour tortilla. 

Bring a clean non-stick pan to medium heat, with a little bit of oil. Cook one side of the quesadilla until crispy, about 3 minutes. Flip with confidence! Cook the other side until crispy. Remove from pan and keep warm in the oven on a cookie sheet while you repeat with the others.

Serve with sour cream, salsa and top with shredded lettuce with lime juice and a pinch of salt!