
Candied Kumquats & the Perfect Cheeseboard


I believe the first time I had candied kumquats was at Bier Mrkt of all places. My parents were visiting Toronto and we had stopped in there for a beer and a snack. On their meat and cheese board was this delicious sweet, tangy, and somewhat bitter jam. After this first taste, it has become my go-to condiment to elevate a cheeseboard.

When making a cheese and meat board I try to make sure I have the following flavours and textures covered:

  • Sweet - usually in the form of a jelly or jam, like these candied kumquats or fig jam

  • Salty - prosciutto, speck, or another salty cured meat

  • Spicy - genoa salami, chorizo, or another spicy cured meat

    • Or: hot pepper jelly (both sweet and spicy!)

  • Briny - pickles, olives

  • Smooth/creamy - goat cheese, Boursin

  • Hard - aged cheddar, manchego (my favourite cheese!)

  • Soft  - fresh sliced french bread or baguette

  • Crunchy - crisp crackers, nuts

Kumquats usually come into grocery stores in Canada in March/April and can be found in the citrus area of your grocery store.

The kumquats pre-candy!

The kumquats pre-candy!

Candied Kumquats

15 minutes


1 cup of kumquats, washed (up to 1.5 cups)

Β½ cup white sugar

ΒΌ cup water


  1. Quarter your kumquats and remove any seeds

  2. Add to a small saucepan with sugar and water

  3. Bring to medium heat and stir until sugar dissolves

  4. Turn down to low heat and continue to simmer until the kumquats become translucent and the syrup has thickened (it will thicken more when it cools)

  5. Chill until ready to serve!